Friday, 15 July 2022

Ercolano Scavi - Herculaneum

I had completed this post and was at the review stage when all my captions disappeared. I have no heart to repeat them so you will just have to enjoy the photos.

Today we went to Herculaneum. This sea port had a population of around 4000 people before it was destroyed by hot ash and a sea of mud in 79 AD. Mount Versuvius erupted and totally covered the town in 16 metres of this hot material and it remained lost for 1630 years before a small part was discovered. 

Unlike Pompeii which was covered in hot lava, Herculaneum had a lighter ash material which caused less damage, preserved many features and is easier to excavate.

What we see now tells a lot about how the Romans lived in that era.

It is horrible to imagine what it must have been like for the people who lived below this volcanic monster. However what we are given is a picture of what life was like for these people in 79 AD. It is fascinating to see ancient history rather than just reading about it.

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