Wednesday 15 August 2018

Buon Ferragosto

The 15th August is Ferragosto in Italy, and a public holiday. This day has a long tradition - from BC when Emperor Augustus created a ' ferie augusti' or festival of Augustus. It is also an important day in the Catholic calendar, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Even Mussolini had a hand in making Ferragosto what it is today by offering free train rides.
Most importantly for all Italians, it marks the beginning of the summer holiday period when families traditionally go away to the beach or the mountains for a family holiday. Many businesses and factories close at this hottest time of the year.

The Chiesa della Madonna della Sbarra is a 17th century church just outside the gates of Panicale. You can read more of its story in a following photo. It is not often used for Mass but the Assumption is one occasion when it is.

The centre piece behind the altar is the painting mentioned in the history of the founding of this church (below).

Our 'big Ferragosto lunch' was thwarted by yesterday's  weather; we forgot to go shopping. Somehow leftovers don't  seem so left over in Italy. A big juicy peach made up for it too.

The town of Città della Pieve has an excellent Medieval festival that runs for a week. Their town is divided into Terziere (thirds) and these terziere are called castello, casalino and borgo dentro. You don't  choose which team you will be in, it chooses you, by birth. 
Each year they compete against each other, the culmination being a huge parade and an archery competition with cut out moving bulls on Sunday.
Today was the launch of the challenge where last year's  winner returns the banner and a passionate challenge speech is made and responded to by the leaders of the three teams.

Here are some photos of the colour from today's event.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if Canada could compete with some of the sights and sounds you have experienced, but, we do have some very special things to see and do. Would love for you to experience what we have to offer, then hear about them from your introspective observations!
    Your friend in Canada.
