Saturday, 27 September 2014

Forty hours later we are home

We are home after a marathon 40 hours of travel, including waiting time between legs of the trip. This trip started in a rental car from Panicale to Chiusi then we went by train to Rome. Another train to the airport then a flight to Dubai followed by the flight to Melbourne. From there we went by bus to the train station then a train to Benalla where our neighbour drove us home. The plane was 30 minutes early, the train was two hours late. A shower never felt so good!

Thanks to our very kind neighbours, we returned to a neat and tidy garden. It is also spring so the garden is looking pretty with a variety of flowers.

We never return from a trip without having some plans for the next trip. The planning is part of the fun of travel. It takes the stress away and allows us to really make the most of the wonderful opportunities that we have when we travel.

There is an Italian saying: 'La vita è troppo breve per bere del vino cattivo' - life is too short to drink bad wine. Life is also too short to just sit and wonder.

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