Saturday, 16 July 2016

Procession of the statue of the Madonna del Carmine in Alberobello

Today, 16th July, is the festival in honour of the Madonna of the Carmine or Our Lady of Mount Carmel. 
At Alberobello they celebrate in a big way as they have a Carmine church. At 6.30 this evening they processed the statue of the Madonna around the town and then had an outdoor Mass in the piazza beside the church. There had been five earlier services at the church.
Music for the procession and for the civic celebration after the Mass was provided by a concert brass band numbering more than thirty people. The band came from the City of Lizzano.


  1. Wonderful parade and photos. Was this a planned activity or did you come across it unexpectedly? There don't seem to be too many people around. Lucky you.

  2. Is this the band I heard when Dad rang?

  3. Hey there El n Kel, can't wait to follow your Italiano adventures this year. We are Molto jealouso!!!!!
    Love the Trillo, keep the posts coming . Ciao for now - Fabio & Rosalinda
