Friday 7 July 2023

All too soon it is Time to go Home

Going home is not something I like doing but it does give us a chance to look back on the past weeks, and to start thinking of our next trip.

We delighted in walking part of the Via Francigena. We didn't expect so much rain and sticky slippery mud but the challenges and sense of achievement were undoubtedly a highlight. Enjoyable memories never to be forgotten.

Lecce was a total surprise. A clean, elegant and surprisingly charming city with interesting food and friendly people.

Naples is a starkly different place; noisy, dirty, chaotic traffic, non stop ... but we can't help liking it. Back in Rome for half a day, we could not believe how quiet it was!

My window seat allowed me to see a last few interesting sights.

Foce del fiume Tevere and Fiumicino

The Gulf of Taranto - Italy's instep

Flying over Nazareth and the Sea of Galilee


I may not like coming home but the sight of Melbourne at night is simply spectacular.

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